Belated December Questions

Olivia   January 4, 2015   Comments Off on Belated December Questions

1. What size horse do you prefer to ride? I like anything that takes up my leg. My first horse was only 14.2hh, but she was big and road. Dijon is 15.2hh and a better size for me. I used to like tall horses: 16.2hh and up, but after my back injuries, I can barely get on my 15hh mule from the ground so I’m happier with the smaller horses for now.

2. Do you school in tall boots or half chaps and paddock boots? I wear half chaps and paddock boots. I don’t even own tall boots.

3. What do you do with your ribbons after shows? The whole 2 ribbons I won in IHSA were probably thrown away. If I ever show again I would probably make a hanging spot at the barn.

4. Do you ride/board at a large show barn or a small private barn? Tiny, tiny private barn.

5. Have you ever seen a horse give birth? No. Unfortunately, I don’t foresee this happening either.

6. What is your favorite breed? Draft horses. I want to own all the big fuzzy things. 

7. Favorite tack brand? Prestige.

8. Would you ever buy used tack? Most of what I own is used.

9. Ever been on a carriage ride? Yes. Many times though I’ve never driven.

10. How often do you go to the tack store? I get to the feed store about twice a month. There is a serious dearth of tack stores in my area so I go at least once a year when I go home to the east coast. I also go a few times a year to local shops when I really need something.