Thank cod for a blog hop as it’s boiling hot here and riding is just not happening. I have 2 sets of tack for Nilla: Arena and Trail.
Our arena get up is as follows:
M. Toulouse Jennine Pro with Genesis Tree – This saddle is a 1/2″-1″ too big for me so I usually ride with a sheepskin seat saver to shrink it a bit. I haven’t had this saddle long enough for a real review, though I will say the genesis tree is pretty cool. I also got it for a significant discount.
Prestige Stirrup Leathers – these don’t match so I really need to replace them. I want to find unlined thin leathers. The trend nowadays is all nylon lined, but I hate how thick they are.
Total Saddle Fit Shoulder Relief Girth – I like the idea of this girth more than I like the girth itself. I bought it used and I think it may be the first version of the girth. I have read a few reviews that say TSF changed to a much nicer leather for their newer versions. This one’s leather is stiff and thick. I also hate the color (red leather) and multiple applications of hydrophane oil haven’t darkened it at all. I do like the anatomical shape and I love the D-rings for lunging.
Lami-Cell Mirage Saddle Pad – Now complete with Minion Patch.
Herm-Sprenger Bow Balance Stirrups – I haven’t found that these help much with my ankle and knee pain so I am considering selling them and getting something else. Anyone have any recommendations?
Foursquare Leather Bridle – I got this awesome bridle from English Tack Trader. There’s a woman who sells dyed bridles. They’re random brands. The leather was appallingly stiff and crappy when I first got it, but it’s actually really soft and nice now. Unfortunately, the aqua dye is chipping off the browband. However, I’d buy another one. I love the color and how it looks on her. People often comment on it as well.
Copper/Brass Eggbutt French-Link Snaffle – I have no idea what brand this snaffle is, but I’ve had it for years and years. It’s a nice, easy snaffle and horses seem to like the soft metal.
Unknown brand synthetic crupper – I actually bought this for Shasta maybe a year before I even bought Nilla so it’s rather miraculous that it’s her color.
Our trail gear is a work in progress. I need to replace almost every piece of it. I also don’t have any untacked pictures of it, but here goes:
Treeless Saddle – I forget what brand of treeless saddle this is. I remember it being an English brand, but I don’t remember which. It doesn’t have any brand markings and I bought it off of craigslist, so I can’t look up a receipt.
Hilason Treeless Saddle Pad – This fits the saddle perfectly, but it’s not quite padded enough to keep the saddle off her spine. I need to supplement the padding or get a new pad. But I may get a new saddle, so I’ve been putting off the decision.
Tucker Padded Breeching – Even with the padding, we’ve had some rubbing issues. It’s also not small enough and I need to punch some more holes in it.
Breeching Padding – I made this myself. A DIY is coming.
Random unbranded breastplate – I bought this used at a tack store and have no idea what the brand is. The leather is pretty beat up, but it’s nice and supple.
Professional’s Choice SMx VenTECH Dressage Girth – I love this girth. It’s nice and stretchy, but sticks well and prevents slipping. I also love the design – you can remove and wash the liner.
Nilla looks STUNNING in that aqua/teal color!
The breeching is totally new to me- for some reason, I thought it was something you used when you drove, not when you rode!
Thanks. I love this color on her. Breeching is also for driving, but most mules need it for trails since their backs are so straight and witherless and downhill.