After missing my lesson, I then went to a wedding all weekend and Nilla got even more time off to collect energy and be even more miserable for our make-up lesson on Monday. I normally like to get on and warm up before our trainer even arrives, but I left my vest at home and my husband had to go get it for me so I wasn’t able to ride before the trainer arrived. I did put Nilla on the lunge and let her stretch her muscles so that we didn’t have to waste lesson time on warming up. But it’s not the same as riding, so she was still pretty “up” when we started.
In the vein of trying to stay positive, I think my position is pretty good here. A little leaning, but I think that’s just me going with her movement. At least my leg is still. And I’m not doing that thing I like to do when Nilla tries to bolt off with me where I point my toes down.
I 100% honestly cannot tell you why I do this. Outside of making GM cry, it’s clearly not actually effective riding. It’s one of those things I don’t even realize I’m doing until I see the pictures. Something yet another thing to work on.
I think the theme of this lesson was transitions. Lots and lots of transitions. All with the goal of getting Nilla to actually listen to me. One thing that trainer had me try was putting my hands where I want them to be with the reins as short as I want them and then just waiting. I had been doing a lot of asking for halt and then if Nilla blew through me, back her up. Instead of doing that, the trainer had be just stop and hold my position until Nilla gave in and softened. Sometimes she would back up. And twice we backed up into a fence. But the goal was to not participate in the “fight” with her. To just hold the line until she gave.
Before |
It was very effective. I wouldn’t say our halts were good, but at least they were soft and not giraffe impressions.
After |
We also had some good moments:
Why the tongue mule, why? |
We also have dental coming up in a few weeks. I don’t think dental is the issue as she acts like this with the hackamore as well, but it’s good to rule out possibilities.
There were some nice moments in there. We all have some poor moments- often because we're trying to counter what the horse is doing. Not that that makes it right or even useful. I've done the 'wait it out' thing and it does work. It just takes a lot of patience.
Patience is not my strong suit.
She really is such a pretty girl when she softens up!!
Being pretty is about the only thing she's good at right now.
She looks lovely in some of these pics! And like a bundle of fun in others, tongue and all! She just likes to keep you on your toes 😉
Literally and figuratively.
Despite the little hiccups, she looks good!