How to Ride a Dijon Bareback

Dijons are fragile beasts and still require protective boots even when going bareback so tacking up will not take much less time than if you were using a saddle.

Make sure to use as much purple and black as possible even if they’re all different shades.

Add all the purples

You better be able to stay on from balance alone. Any leg will be interpreted as go faster and go more faster only.

No leg below the knee may be applied

This will become even more difficult when you leave the arena and head back to the barn. Dijon will activate snorty dragon mode which involves tucking his chin in to his neck and snorting.

Not behind the bit at all…

If anyone – even your husband who is on foot, mind you – gets in front of Dijon, this will activate sideways prancing mode.

If your husband runs along taunting Dijon, he will froth and chomp at the bit because you just won’t let him run dammit.

Make sure you have absolutely no ambition to accomplish anything during your ride and you’ll have a lot of fun.