Nilla as Stitch

Olivia   March 8, 2016   10 Comments on Nilla as Stitch

I wasn’t going to do this since I couldn’t really think of a character, but I finally found one that works for Nilla.

Nilla’s resemblance to Stitch starts with the ears. They’re good for detecting input:

and also emotional displays:

Her ears are so big, I have to find unique solutions to covering them:
She stands out from the crowd at shows:
The USEA’s feelings on mule in eventing are totally how the cool kids feel about Stitch:
What Nilla does to her stall door every day when her food isn’t fast enough:

All food should be eaten as quickly as possible:

When I try to split an apple between her and Dijon:

She pulls some epic tantrums:
I cannot count the number I’ve times I’ve had to literally drag her somewhere:

She hates trailer rides:

But for as annoying as she can be, when she decides she wants to do something:
She’s amazing:

10 thoughts on “Nilla as Stitch

  1. Jen

    Lol! I have scrolled through most of these but Stitch is my all time favorite Disney character ever so I had to read this one. Love it!

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