He’s doing this during a flexion test |
She’s a mule, so one of the weird things about her is the noises she makes. She sort of winnies and sort of brays at the same time. Her version of a nicker is sort of like a hu hu hu noise. I need to get some video of this. Unfortunately, by the time I get my phone out, she’s always stopped.
She’s also really convinced that turning her head sideways will make you give her food.
Shasta likes to grab anything within her reach. There’s a large tack truck that holds our blankets outside her stall. I frequently put things down on it thinking they’re far enough away from her and she will somehow get them. She has twice taken a drink of mine and thrown it on the ground once she realized it wasn’t horse food.
Wasn’t me, I’m all the way back here |
For a while, Shasta had figured out how to get under her stall guard because the bottom parts weren’t attached. Nilla and Dijon only have straight chains because they don’t escape. Shasta would climb underneath the stall guard and walk off to get eat anything she could find. One time I was riding Dijon in the small arena by the barn and the Barn Owner asked if I knew Shasta was in Dijon’s stall eating his hay. She had a full hay net, but knew that would be there all night so she wanted to eat someone else’s hay. She also kept getting captured as soon as she walked off to eat stray hay by the hay barn so I think she figured out that if she was hiding in his stall, no one would catch her and put her back. It worked too as it took a while for someone to notice.
haha adorable pones!! My horse sticks his tongue and out just holds it there, funny you have a horse that does almost the same thing. Nilla is ADORABLE. The same horse that sticks his tongue out ALSO will grab ANYTHING in his reach. Anything. Ive found whole hay bales and sawdust bales in his stall before.. Like how??
Shasta has pulled blankets, a wooden box filled with hand towels, a trash can, a bag os sawdust, and other various things into her stall. The barn owner has gotten a lot better about keeping everything far away from her door now. The real problem is she can apparently get to things that are further away than the length of her head and neck, so you think you're safe and she somehow gets it anyway.
Oh my goodness that tongue thing is so funny!! What a silly boy! I would love to hear a video of Nilla nickering. I love the sounds mules make. 😀 Also turning her head on the side would totally earn a treat from me. So cute!
Thanks. I have been trying for a year to get Nilla's noises on film, but she always does them when I'm not prepared.