Lacking Ambition

Olivia   July 29, 2015   16 Comments on Lacking Ambition

I’m sort of lost. My trainer wants me to go to Woodside for a big rated show held there in August. While I am sure this would be a lot of fun and I doubt we’d seriously embarrass ourselves at Intro, I’m just not sure that I want to spend that much money to do Intro at a real show. It’s not so much that I can’t afford it, but that the money would be better spent on other things – like a dressage saddle that actually fits both of us.

At the same time, as I think about not doing the show, I find myself trying to come up with the incentive to keep progressing. I’ve never been interested in showing before, but now I’m having this feeling like, if I’m not going to a show, I might as well sit on my couch in the air conditioning because it’s freaking hot out and riding is not fun in the heat.

It’s not like I’m 100% going to stop riding. We certainly have goals outside of showing. Like, oh I don’t know, cantering like we’re not a drunk motorcycle.

Also, our halting has not gotten any better since the last show. We’re straight from trot to walk, but as soon as we try to go from walk to halt, she steps off to the side. You can see her head even tilts the other direction as I attempt to fix this by pulling. Because pulling solves everything (said no trainer ever).

Part of my lack of ambition is probably due to Shasta being out. I’m used to riding with my husband. While he comes and watches me ride and takes pictures, it’s not the same as riding together. With him not riding, once I get hot and sweaty, I’m like, yeah 20 minutes is enough, time to get off. 

I’m looking for schooling shows to keep me focused. There’s a horse trial at the end of September and a 25 mile ride at the beginner of October. I’m still looking for something to do in August.

Nilla’s opinion on dressage

16 thoughts on “Lacking Ambition

  1. TeresaA

    I agree with the idea of spending money on tack that fits. Also, there's nothing wrong with scaling back the riding and having a bit of break. Showing is fun (I like it) but it can also take the fun out of riding as we try to nail something. So I guess I'm of no help at all. ๐Ÿ™‚ sorry.

  2. sarahczspots

    I've been putting so much time and money into the farm/barn this year that I haven't shown at all, which makes me lose my motivation when I don't feel like riding. Since "it's not like we're working towards anything." Tis my favorite internal monologue. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. KateRose

    It's definitely hard to keep motivation without a show on the horizon (this is a struggle for Apollo and I for sure). I say invest in better fitting tack and plan for later shows ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Olivia

    I can find some h/j schooling shows. I can also find some dressage schooling shows that are far away, but I don't really want to trailer hours for a schooling show. Part of the problem is my husband will be gone 2 weekends in August which means I'd have to go alone unless the show magically aligns on the weekend he's home (which the big Woodside show does).

  5. Olivia

    I'm leaning towards not doing the Woodside show this year. I will probably do it next year at training instead of intro. One of the schooling shows I'm looking at is up in your barn's area, so maybe one of these days we'll get together.

  6. Stephanie

    I go through a 2ish week period every year at various times where I just Sometimes it's because I have no shows on the horizon, sometimes it's because I have things happening in my personal life. Regardless, when I get that feeling, I just take the time off and the horses and I are no worse for wear! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Olivia

    I probably could take a few weeks off, but it seems sad to do so when I've just finally gotten Nilla to be rideable. And Shasta won't be well until end of September, so I can't just wait for that.

  8. Paola

    Riding in the heat can be horrible without motivation. Maybe you can get the saddle and wait for next season to do rated shows if thats what you want to do? Not really offering any advice because it's your decision, so do what you think is best

  9. Tracy - Fly On Over

    First, I'm LOVING your new blog banner! Second, I think at some point during every year I always find myself lacking some motivation. Sometimes the answer is to take a break, sometimes I just need something to work towards. So know at least you're not alone in the feeling !

  10. Olivia

    Thanks. I like it a lot too. I'm still not sure what to do. It's still insanely hot so I'm really hoping some ambition will return when it's not a bajillion degrees out.

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