Off to New Places

Olivia   December 21, 2016   20 Comments on Off to New Places

As I mentioned before, we sent Shasta off to live in the central valley for the winter. The vet wanted her moving more and our pasture gets closed in the winter to preserve the footing. Our seasonal trainer has a great facility a few hours away with large pastures where Shasta could get turnout and enjoy herself until the spring when we’ll bring her back.


The pictures aren’t very clear, but Shasta is clearly enjoying herself. Green pastures like this are hard to come by in our area.

Today, our little barn got one horse mule smaller as I took Nilla out to Laura’s. She’s going to spend the next three months there. I’ve been wanting to send her back to Laura’s ever since I picked her up there almost 2 years ago. But I haven’t wanted to not have a horse to ride for 3 months. Since I can barely ride in the winter anyway without lights and with the rain shutting our arena all the time, and I now have Levi to play with, the timing worked out perfectly. I’ll get Nilla back right after daylight savings returned. I am hoping to get out to see her a few times a month on weekends for a lesson.


Nilla was so happy to have her own grassy paddock

Nilla unloaded at Laura’s and proceeded to have a complete mental meltdown. It’s so great to show up to a trainer and have your equine completely prove how terrible you are as an owner by having a toddler worthy tantrum. But, that’s why she needs to be at a trainer’s. She’s amazing when she wants to be good, but as soon as she doesn’t want to, her behavior is off-the wall. As much as I’ll miss her, I was happy to leave her there. I’m really excited to see what Laura can do with her.

20 thoughts on “Off to New Places

  1. KateRose

    Good moves all around! I like when my horses show my coaches how dolty they can be right off the bat, otherwise I feel like no one believes me haha

    1. Olivia Post author

      I always like trainer rides for that reason. Nilla inevitably acts up with them too and and I feel like “yes, it’s not just me.”

  2. Dom

    Aw, how nice for them both to get a “vacation” so to speak. As for Nilla’s melt down… as a trainer, I can say that she probably wasn’t judging you very harshly! Try being a trainer and having a horse you’ve had great success with suddenly make a liar out of you in front of an audience! Now that’s embarrassing!

  3. Carly

    So nice you have Laura to work with and are able to send her there! Hopefully you get to have some fun with Levi in the meantime!

  4. Stacie Seidman

    Sometimes they just need a refresher! I hope training goes great and that you get to have some lessons too!
    I’m hoping to send Romey off for a bit, but I have to wait for him to be sound again. Sheesh, horses.

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