Woodside Event Volunteering

The Summer Event at Woodside was this weekend. Since I’m not allowed to compete (mule rules), I figured I’d try volunteering. I originally signed up to dressage scribe on Friday, but they ended up having too many volunteers and fewer entries than expected so I got an email saying my services were not needed. Which is a shame, because I’d really like to scribe sometime. I feel like I could learn a lot from it.

My volunteer services were still needed for XC on Saturday though. I signed up to jump judge in the morning and then drive a golf cart in the afternoon. I don’t know why, but I’m really obsessed with golf carts. Any time we go to a show or other event and people have golf carts, I want to get one.


actual conversation with my husband

The only down side was that I had to wake up super early on a Saturday in order to volunteer. I did make up for it by sleeping until noon on Friday, but I was still not a happy camper come Saturday morning. The volunteer meeting started at 8am and it was cold and foggy at the horse park. I was assigned Prelim Jump #3 and Intermediate Jump #4 which were both stepped tables next to each other.


I wish it had stayed nice and foggy, but I was soon removing my hoodie and then baking in the sun. Thankfully, I had a little clip on umbrella to add to my camp chair. It really helped with the heat.


At first I was a little disappointed to have such a “boring” fence, but I actually had a great spot. I could see the combination at 4/5, the water at 7/8, the coffin at 12 and a few other jumps from where I was sitting.


Plus, after a horse crashed into/refused my jump and I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest, I was really happy to have an “easy” jump. This adorable little palomino made it look easy though. I believe the announcer said they were in first after dressage.


I think I might have been a lot little over-prepared for volunteering. I wasn’t sure how hot it would be and what I’d be willing to eat so I packed a variety of things.


The volunteer organizers were great though. They had drinks coming around in the golf carts and then they even provided lunch.

After lunch, I was doing score running in the golf-cart. While I was originally just super excited to drive a golf cart around, it turned out to be a really great volunteer job as I got to see a bunch of different jumps instead of just one.


I also got to deliver drinks and chat with each of the jump judges as I was collecting their score sheets. It was a ton of fun. As a reward for volunteering, I even got a $50 gift certificate that I can use for future events. Of course, I’m not allowed to compete at any of those events, but maybe my husband can use it someday. I really enjoyed the volunteering experience and I hope to do it again.


22 thoughts on “Woodside Event Volunteering

  1. Teresa

    That sounds like a lot of fun. the one time I volunteered to jump judge I was in the woods being eaten alive by mosquitoes and deer flies! Your post looked perfect.

  2. Megan

    im glad you volunteered! i wrote an entry about volunteering because i think more people should do it – the always need help.

    and i dont think theres any such thing as a ‘boring’ jump. No matter how ‘easy’ the jump I’ve always had something go down. and those are BIG tables!

      1. Olivia Post author

        The no mules rule is total crap. The tables were terrifyingly huge, but most of the horses just sailed right over without a problem.

  3. Alanna

    Fun! I think it’s dumb mules aren’t allowed to compete. If dressage horses can handle a mule there should be no reason event horses can’t!

    1. Olivia Post author

      I believe the rule was enacted because people didn’t like losing to mules. The spooking thing is just a cover story.

    1. Olivia Post author

      The incentive is nice, but most people who were volunteering didn’t seem to care about the gift certif, they just wanted to volunteer.

    1. Olivia Post author

      They are just so much fun. Especially when you don’t own them and you don’t need to worry about ruining them by off-roading all over the XC field.

  4. Kara

    That is great you volunteered! I like to volunteer for our local CDEs. Even though I don’t drive my horse I learn a lot and it’s a really fun day!

  5. hayflinger

    Lame that they won’t let mules compete. Some people… oi.

    Good of you to volunteer though, especially if there was a fun incentive like driving a golf cart. I drove a golf cart once when I was younger and crashed into bougainvillea. Baaaaad idea. But I bet I’d be better at it by now.

    (BTW, totally subscribing and following this blog. It’s awesome, and you’re a fellow Californian to boot)

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